Monday, September 3, 2012

Termination Dust! Already?!

I have arrived in Alaska!  I got in late Tuesday night, and my awesome roommate Joe picked me up from ,the airport.  There are a few important things to note about Ted Stevens International Airport in Anchorage.  First, there are stuffed muskoxen and bear throughout the airport.  Second, Anchorage's only frozen yogurt place is in the airport, so Alaskans actually come to hang out at the airport and eat yogurt.  Finally, all of the ladies' rooms in the airport contain sharps containers...for used needles...not sure why, but I probably don't want to know. 

By the time I had arrived, my first few boxes had arrived, but I am still waiting on everything else.  Hopefully by the next time I update, all of my possessions will have made their way here.  I've been really pleased with my room, and today Joe and Walker moved my bed down here, so its starting to feel more like home.  I officially have an Alaska drivers license and special ordered a new license plate.  Stay tuned for that.  It's going to be epic.

I started work on Friday so my reign of bumdom has ended and I am gainfully employed yet again.  I really like the people and am excited to dive into the deep end come Tuesday when the real work starts. 

Other random Anchorage observations so far include shocking grocery prices, except for wine, which is on par with the lower 48.  Every place has a microbrew, and there are a ton of great beers to try up here.  While there is no Gator group, there is a strong SEC crowd that even started an SEC chant at the sports bar. 

Finally, as of today, there is termination dust.  For those of you who live below the Mason Dixon, termination dust is the snow that falls up in the high mountains and gradually the white line covering the mountain tops moves lower and lower until it snows in the city.  Termination dust is usually considered the first sign of fall. 

I hope to have a more substantive update (including pictures) later this week, but in the meantime, arrivederci!

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