This past week, one of the Themis representatives for my school introduced me via email to another Virginian who has basically had the same experience that I had this past summer. She went up to Alaska for the first time over the summer to intern, fell in love with it, and will be moving up to clerk in Palmer (just outside of Anchorage) to clerk for a judge there. She is also studying from her hometown for the summer and moving up in August after the bar. Emailing back and forthw ith her has been really great, and I look forward to having another new friend up North.
In other news, I have made an important decision. Instead of getting a dog when I move up to Alaska, I am going to spend some time fostering. They are in desparate need of people to foster, and those dogs get more love and affection during the process, and are much more liekly to get adopted. I think it will be a good trail run for actually having a dog, and with my clerk salary, the fact that the dog rescue pays for all veterinary bill and dog food doesn't hurt. And really, who wouldn't want to spend some time with this guy:

That's the update for now. I really will start posting more soon, as I am learning more and more about the move to AK every day!
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